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Expertise in agricultural sector based on long operational experience  on the field

in Africa and Asia

Famboléna's expertise is centered around the experience of its founder, Philippe METRAL.


Engineer in Agriculture, oriented towards operational aspects and passionate by the work with the producers. He has a thirty-five-years experience in management of rural development projects and organization of agricultural productions. In particular cacao, cotton, food crops and tobacco for various companies and organizations.

Throughout this career with farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar and South East Asia, he acquired a global vision of agricultural sectors in tropical environments:


  • cropping;

  • training and technical support to farmers;

  • organizing logistic for their supply into inputs and equipment;

  • strengthening their professional organizations;

  • logistics to purchase, transport and payment for their products;

  • conditioning/first processing and exportation to customers.


Famboléna is also able to mobilize additional skills from its partners consultancy offices and freelance experts, particularly in agroforestry, agronomy, transformation process, community development, empowerment of women, ....

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Philippe METRAL

Master of Engineering in Agriculture (ISA Lille -1982)

Master of Business Administration (CESMA-EM lyon-2000);


Operational manager. Proven experience in the development of agro-industrial supply chains : from cropping to the management of processing units and delivery to customers;


Skills in the organization of agricultural campaign's logistics, in tropical agriculture, in management of industrial units, health and safety and social as well as environmental responsibility;


30 years of experience in Africa and Asia. Facility to adapt to new cultural and professional environments;


Professional practice of English and Portuguese. Basic knowledge of German and Lao;



Main experiences:


  • 2013 to 2016 - CEMOI:

Responsible for sustainable cocoa production programs in Ivory Coast.

Initiation of the Cocoa Transparence program . Setting up of an organic cocoa production program.


  • 2002 to 2013 - Imperial Tobacco:

Responsible for tobacco production (smallholder network and industrial farms), its transportation, blending, threshing and conditioning in Laos and Madagascar .

Implementation of the social and environmental responsibility program and ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification of processing units.

Operational management of subsidiaries.


  • 2001 to 2002 - Imperial Tobacco:

Operational management of an industrial printing unit and a cigarettes manufactory.


  • 1987 to 1999 - CFDT:

Responsible for the production and purchase of cotton from smallholders in Guinea , Guinea Bissau and Chad . Implementation of rural development projects. Strengthening the competencies of producers groups and transfer of the primary commercialization of cotton to farmer's organizations, support for food and vegetable crops.

Operational management of the cotton company in Guinea Bissau . Management of the ginning unit and execution of fiber and seed sales contracts.


  • 1983 to 1987 - CIDR:

Head of the dairy production development project in Kayes (Mali).


Metral -Hinboun-laos.jpg
Contrôle triage tabac-ferme Labandikely-Madagascar
Supervision pépinière tabac-ban Kong Lor-Laos
Visite MAG-Kompienga-Burkina Faso
Projet cacao bio-réunion planteurs-Dibi
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