Famboléna supports the development of sustainable agricultural chains in Africa, Asia and other tropical regions
Famboléna is a consultancy office with a long experience and a global vision of agricultural supply chains in tropical regions. We support the organization and development of such value chains, mainly in Africa and Asia with a constant preoccupation of sustainability, social and environmental responsibility.
Famboléna est membre du Pôle TERRALIA-PASS et du Cluster Bio AuRA
Studies, consulting & technical support
to development of agricultural chains
Operational support to the actors on the field

We help you make your supply chains of tropical agricultural products more reliable
We support you in defining the actions plan to develop your supply chains.
We go on the field to confirm its feasibility, carry out initial diagnosis, determine the production potential and identify partners: producers, cooperatives, carriers, processors, forwarders.
We regularly work with your local partners to monitor and support the implementation of actions plan, assess and strengthen operational procedures, follow up the achievements and measure their impacts ......

We support the implementation of your Social and Environmental Responsibility policy
We help you define your strategy to develop your responsible sourcing and write the adequate actions plan.
We go on the field to carry out feasibility studies and we help you find technical and financial partners.
We communicate your vision to your local partners and suppliers to mobilize them around your objectives.
We support the implementation of the necessary management systems for UTZ / RFA, Faire Trade, Bio or ISO and OHSAS certifications.
We regularly meet your local partners to monitor and support the implementation of action plans. We also audit the activities of technical partners, measure the progress achieved as well as the results obtained and we carry out impact studies.

We share with you our long experience of
agricultural chains
in Africa and Asia
Famboléna brings you and your local partners over 35 years a proven experience of:
operational management of agricultural supply chains and a global vision, from the field to purchase and conditioning;
designing and managing rural development projects and sustainability programs;
rural environment, small holders‘ production and organization. Connections with villagers and local authorities as well as management of cultural differences;
Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar and Southeast Asia;
production & processing of cocoa, cotton, tobacco and food crops .
Our expertise in sustainable and responsible agricultural value chains

Famboléna's expertise is centered on its founder experience: Philippe METRAL. Agricultural engineer, operational and passionate about working with smallholders on the field. He has thirty five years of experience in managing rural development projects and organizing agricultural production chains, particularly cocoa, cotton, food crops and tobacco. Philippe has worked for various companies and organizations.
Throughout his career working with farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar and South East Asia, he acquired a global vision of agricultural sectors in tropical environments. From the field production, technical support to farmers with training and organization of their supply into inputs and equipment, the strengthening of their professional organizations, the products’ purchase, collect and payment logistics, until conditioning, first transformation and evacuation to customers' sites.
Famboléna is also the power of an expert network. We are able to mobilize additional skills from partner consultancy offices and freelance experts in Europe but also in Africa and South East Asia, particularly in agroforestry, agronomy, transformation process, community development, women's empowerment, etc.
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