Burkina Faso: Support to the organization of SOCOMA's cotton campaign
Intervention of 3 months on behalf of GEOCOTON. Secondment to SOCOMA in 2013 as Director of Operations to support the organization and launch of the 2013-14 cotton purchasing campaign.
Reflection with the Director of Cotton Production and his teams on:
The targets of cotton production by ginning plant;
The optimization of farmers' income and work;
The logistics of the crop: dispatch of inputs, organization of cotton purchases;
The improvement of the cotton quality: seeds' quality, contamination of cotton by plastics, sorting of raw cotton by grade;
The diversification of the activities of SOCOMA (soybeans);
The organization of the technical support to producers;
The organizational chart of the Direction of the Cotton Production.
Reflection with the Industrial Director and factory managers on:
The optimization of the production tool in terms of capacity, yields and quality of the fiber produced;
The organization of the equipment maintenance and the safety audit of the factories;
The logistics of the ginning campaign (maintenance of factories, supply of consumables and spare parts, classification of the fiber, storage and evacuation of bales;
The organizational chart of the Direction of Industry.